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Homeschooled Child quotes Declaration of Human Rights when asked for Bible Verse

Bella Sammers was sitting in Sunday school last Sunday when the teacher asked if anyone knew any Bible verses off by heart. Bella was confused at first.

"You know," the teacher coaxed. "Like John 3:16. "For God so loved the world... ?"

"Oh yes!" Bella said eagerly. "I know one: 'Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children'!" The teacher nodded happily and didn't ask for a reference.

When asked later on about Bella's confusion of Point 3 of Article 26 with the biblical text, Bella's parents were unconcerned.

"That sentence is as foundational a promise to us homeschoolers as any that are found in Scripture," her father, Chris, said. "We make sure that our children know by heart the very favorite part of the Declaration for homeschoolers worldwide. And isn't it beautiful how it says "shall be given"? I get shivers every time I hear it."

We were unable to reach the Sunday School teacher for comment, but it was rumored she never noticed Bella wasn't quoting Scripture.

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