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Winnipeg Invaded by Snowmen, Hundreds Reported Missing!

This October, with the first snows of the year having fallen, homeschooler Amy Miller and her sister Josie were overjoyed, and went outside and built many snowmen in their backyard. Reportedly, that night, when the city was sleeping, these snowmen came to life, joining forces with hundreds of other snowmen on the way, and went on a rampage to invade the city!

A fierce battle ensued, when parents all across the city found snowmen breaking in through doors, windows, and crawlspaces, trying to kidnap the children.

This morning, the sun rose on a grisly sight, a battlefield of damaged trees that the snowmen had used to replace missing arms, and dead snowmen lying in the streets. Many parents found ransom notes on their doors, instructing them to pay one hundred carrots and one pair of gloves to receive their children back. Accordingly, the grocery stores, which curiously had a surplus of carrots, were quickly sold out, and the overjoyed parents received their children back.

Upon investigation, the police discovered that the snowmen had been trying to kidnap the homeschooled children who made them, but, not knowing the difference between homeschooled children and public schooled ones, had just decided to kidnap them all. The snowmen apparently wanted the carrots for replaceable noses, because they were warmer than sticks.

Last that was heard of the snowmen army, they were heading north to join forces with the army of the Abominable Snowman and invade Santa’s station at the North Pole.

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