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Congregation Nearly Starves After Pastor Forgets Amen At End of Service

BILLINGS, MT—In what has been described as a "freak accident", the entire congregation of Ebenezer Reformed Church nearly starved after some negligence on the pastors part. Guest minister Dan Johnson was conducting the evening service.

"It was all very normal," said member Betty Erdmann, "The sermon was great, very passionate. Overall it was just really great, until the very end."

Johnson closed the service as usual, with some words of blessing, uplifting the congregation's spirits. Just at the specified time for Johnson to end with an emphatic Amen to end the service on a staccato note, he took his books and walked off the pulpit. He shook hands with the elder and walked out.

Member James McKelvey recounts the horror. "It was very awkward at first. We looked at each other, shifted in our seats, and waited several moments... He continued unperturbed and walked out!"

"I think he actually just forgot," says Stacy Olson, "We all know the dismay it would bring on us. The 'Amen' at the end is crucial, it's like God letting us know that we have his consent to leave the Church building. Plus it's just super uncool, when he ends the service in a dramatic resounding 'Amen', it makes you feel like you can conquer the world. I'm not saying he's a bad pastor, he's just, forgetful."

So the faithful Christians sat rooted in their seats. "I guess the pastor just left afterwards, seeing that we were in no hurry to leave."

Our reporters were on the scene 56 hours later. The Church members still had a resolute and fiery will.

Unconfirmed reports came in about a young man sneaking out the back and being struck dead.

Four days later the police caught wind of the situation. They broke through the windows and began evacuating the members. By this time many were grateful to leave. However some swore they would stay till the pastor came around to free them on Sunday.

At last reports 34 members were firmly decided on staying, despite encouragements from officials to leave because of dangers to health due to lack of nourishment.

"God will sustain us," they replied.

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