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Rare Youth Pastor Doesn't Believe in Hand-Raising, Thrown Out of Church

Knoxville, TN — Last week Jacob Owens, youth pastor of United Life Church was accused of not raising his hands during moving worship songs and not encouraging others to do so. Owens did not deny the claims, but started to defend his strange beliefs.

"I just don't think its necessary," he reportedly said to a group of fellow churchgoers. He was going to say more but the group started yelling "Heretic!" At that point he was grabbed from his hands and legs and thrown out the church door.

One witness explained. "After he said those words, my heart literally stopped. As hard as it was to believe, our good friend and pastor Jacob had just admitted that he had intolerable pagan ideas which could not stay in this church. Something had to be done."

The elders of the church approved of the quick thinking and action of the group saying that they "had no idea, and will more properly examine their next pastor."

"I didn't even know there existed people in the world with such bizarre and heretical beliefs. It's really scary," said another church member.

At last report Owens was seeking a new church.

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