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Homeschool Mother Discovers Self-teaching Child

Homeschool Mom Brenda Spetko has made a major discovery: one that will revolutionize the homeschooling world. She has unearthed the secret to a self-teaching child. Her son Skylar needs nothing from her - no math tutoring, no reading practice, no English lessons or planned nature walks, not even any science or music lessons. And yet he learns. He learns amazingly, quickly, exponentially - Stepko was almost in tears as she related the wonder of it.

“At the end of the day I’ll just ask him, ‘what did you learn today, Skylar?’, and he’ll just tell me the most amazing things - stuff I didn’t even learn in school.”

Spekto says it was not easy to come by this child. She says she had ten previous children and worked hard at teaching them, and not one of them was self-taught, unless perhaps Felicia, the second youngest, who suddenly could read one day. But now her efforts have been rewarded, and she has not had to put the work into teaching Skylar at all.

Sepkto says that there is a high possibility that her next child will also be of the self-teaching variety.

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