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Homeschooled Child Caught Laughing during School Hours

It's universally known that homeschoolers never laugh. They are the most somber people on earth. At least, they've been that way for all of world history. But a revolution seems to have started as of late ...

The unthinkable happened on an otherwise sedate Thursday afternoon. As the seven children of the Hamwell family, under the tutelage and strict supervision of Mama Hamwell, sat in somber silence around the table doing their studies, Johnny, 11, burst into laughter.

“Johnny! Be quiet this instant!” snapped Mama Hamwell. Poor little Johnny tried his absolute hardest to suppress the laughter, but the more he tried to stop and concentrate on his math, the harder it became. Within a few moments of his mother’s rebuke, he once again burst out in laughter.

Mama Hamwell, enraged at her son’s audacity, got up from her chair, grabbed her son by the cuff of his collar, and headed towards the ‘principal’s office’. “I’m sorry, Mommy! I tried so hard not to laugh!” screeched little Johnny in his own defense. Upon hearing this, Mama Hamwell suddenly felt the urge to laugh. Her hand loosened its grip on Johnny’s neck as she struggled not to exhibit the shockingly immature behavior her young son had exhibited just moments before. But her efforts failed, and for the first time in all of world history, there was laughter in a homeschooled household during school time.

At publishing time, Mama Hamwell had started a blog called The Laughing Homeschooler, in what her eldest son described as an effort to justify her folly.

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