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Sorry Excuse for Homeschooled Family Only Has Six Kids

No, the headline does not deceive you. There is a homeschooled family out there that has only six kids.

Meet the Penner family: Josh, age 17; Mary, age 15; Sam, age 12; Mark, age 9; Rebekah, age 5; and little Matthew, age 3. Despite the parent’s best efforts at trying to fit in with the conservative homeschooled crowd, everyone seems to give them a weird look or two when they reveal that they only have six kids.

“I don’t understand it” expressed Mama Penner in an interview. “Everywhere else we go, people tell us we have too many kids, yet these homeschoolers tell us we don’t have enough. Ugh… trying to serve two masters is hard.”

At publishing time, the Penners were considering adopting perhaps about half a dozen children.

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