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Church Requests Outside Traffic to Be Quiet During Service

Grace Community Church has recently put up a large sign on their premises close to the busy thoroughfare that it is located by, asking drivers who happen to be passing by during Sunday Morning services to drive as quietly as possible, according to sources.

Pastor Bruce Jacobs, in an interview with the Winnipagan, said "God speaks in a still small voice, and it is easy for that still small voice to get drowned out amidst all the noisy affairs of life - especially noisy motorcycles ripping by the church during the service."

"I am absolutely positive they will respect it", he added.

An unidentified member of the church was ecstatic with joy. "Finally, I can hear God above the rush of everyday life. It is just so hard to hear what he has to say sometimes."

According to sources, some members of the church were skeptical of the sign, noting that it may attract unnecessary attention rather that achieve its desired effect.

At publishing time, an almost steady stream of honking and rapid accelerating was heard from vehicles passing by the church.

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