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Teen Attacks Grammar Nazis on Facebook

After getting overly frustrated by people who only focused on spelling errors in his posts and not on what he was trying to communicate, teenager Zachary Baumgardner lashed out in a Facebook post saying “ i dont get why you peeple dont just writ your own stuff instad of complaning about mine/ pleaz read what i say for what I'm saying and not to fix my problems!? if the only levl you can operaiyt on and think about is grandma you are know better than a computer! most of you are computers anyaways I think fake facebook users shud just go gat lost” Baumgardner told the Winnipagan that he thinks spellcheck was invented by the government to control the minds of citizens, and that grammar nazis are trying to crush the spirits of dyslexics, who have all the right ideas about saving the world, but can't quite used perfect punctuation on social media. In the heated comment war that ensued on his post, Baumgardner said “ i juhst want you to all go way!!! it’s geting to much to have fiveteen flak facbook users fixeng my gramer” We turned away to horror, wondering if spellcheck could even save the current generation of lawless writers with massive egos.

Please note that the editors of the Winnipagan were very reluctant to publish this piece, but felt that the situation was so desperate that something needed to be done.

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