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Local Homeschooled Girls Think Men Should Do Everything for Them

Early this morning police arrested a mob of protesting local homeschooled girls, taking them in for questioning after traffic was disrupted on main street. "My brother told ME to do the dishes! I cannot believe the audacity he has obtained." says mob leader, Tina Wiebe.

"I told my dad I would leave if he did not do everything for me." another homeschooler, Netti Heinrich replies when asked why they were protesting. "The very next morning, he told me to clean my room!" "Homeschooled girls everywhere are being abused by dads and brothers who will not do everything for their women." Wiebe says. "We need to stand up for ourselves before this gets out of hand!"

Police were quite stunned by this domestic disobedience, as small towns do not provide training to deal with protesters. “We are just going to let them riot till dinner time” said Chief Darren Pauls. “When they get hungry I expect that they will realise that the boys have no clue how to cook and if they want to eat good food again, they will have to help out.” Wiebe remained defiant saying that she would starve before serving a man.

As of publishing time, authorities were looking into the legal implications of setting up a forced labor camp.

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