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Another Satirical Christian Website has been Created; Nation Recoils in Horror

The United States of America recoiled in horror as a new Satirical Website hit the internet today. This website - by way of hilarious and absurd articles which all have a point - promises to deal a death-blow to 21st Century Postmodernism.

"I can't believe it", sobbed Hillary Clinton in a press release. "This website is being run by teenagers - and we all know that these teenagers should be in public schools learning how not to be bigoted, racist, homophobic, fundamentalist nonconformists. Oh, those darn homeschoolers!"

The creators of this website, in an interview this evening, seemed very excited to create content that, in the words of Mercer Lawrenson, one of the creators, "is sure to amuse a select few, and infuriate everyone else". Ezekiel Thiessen, another writer, noted that this site "will be sure to make the internet great again"

Stay tuned, as boatloads of funny, insulting, amusing, and infuriating content will soon start appearing on this site.

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