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Report: Winnipagan Writers Lacking Sense of Humor

A local Winnipagan writer, who for obvious reasons wishes to remain anonymous, has disclosed that everyone on the Winnipagan’s writing team has lost their sense of humor.

“I don’t know where it went. It’s as if we used it all up or something” lamented the writer to his partners in crime, who were allegedly having a meeting in some dark shady basement somewhere.

The team’s lack of a sense of humor has come as no surprise to the countless individuals who have faithfully been checking the site every day for the last couple months, only to be greeted by the same old familiar headlines.

US President Donald Trump was the first to comment. “The reason I’ve done hardly anything in office lately is because I haven’t had anything to laugh about – anything to relieve my stress. The Winnipagan needs to be made great again.”

An anonymous but opinionated homeschooler living somewhere in the frozen wastelands of Canada, in an exceedingly rare moment, agreed with Trump’s sentiments. “The internet is so full of anti-libertarian nonsense that I just need to take a break sometimes. The Winnipagan helps me laugh when everything else makes me want to cry. Get it rolling again, guys!”

However, a prominent Huffington Post writer disagreed. “We don’t need any more homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted enemies of tolerance making fun of us. I’m glad that the Winnipagan has ceased to function, and I can only hope it stays that way.”

At publishing time, the Winnipagan team, despite their apparent lack of humor, unanimously voted to get the site going again.

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