Teen Claims to be an ATHEIST: CROSSWalk Talk: episode 4
One of the biggest hindrances for Christians sharing their faith is the thought of running into an ATHEIST! Watch this encounter I had...

Declaration of Sin dependence || Spoken Word
Hey guys, The video is up on libertyfilm.org! It has been in the works for a while, so we're really excited that you're finally able to...

Can Man be Good? CROSSWalk Talk: episode 3

Mercer & Mogilevsky Show OVER?
OK guys, the Mercer & Mogilevsky Show is taking a break for a couple weeks, but we're going to come back better than ever. We are going...

Social Media Breakdown: Mercer & Mogilevsky Show

CROSSwalk Talk: episode 2
This week Isaac talks with Marcus & Siri about Morality, the coming Judgment and the Gospel! Come back every Monday for a new...